Dopo la guerra, il sito e i monumenti commemorativi furono restaurati dai prigionieri di guerra tedeschi. Juli 1940: Der 22. des Monats Juli im Jahr 1940 war ein Montag (KW 30). Un trattato di pace finale non fu mai negoziato e la zona non occupata fu occupata dalla Germania e dal suo alleato italiano nel caso Anton in seguito all'invasione del Nord Africa francese da parte degli Alleati nel novembre 1942. […] I have seen that face many times at the great moments of his life. The railway carriage was later exhibited in Berlin, and then taken to Crawinkel in Thuringia in 1945, where it was destroyed by SS troops and the remains buried. 274 Squadron RAF had patrolled to the west. It did not come into effect until after midnight on 25 June. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. [20], The Italians suffered more than 24,000 casualties, 18 officers and 750 soldiers had been killed, 30 officers and 2,250 men had been wounded and more than 20,000 men had become prisoners of war. The French government was forced to relocate to Bordeaux on 10 June to avoid capture and declared Paris to be an open city the same day. Una regione non occupata nel sud, la Zone libre , fu lasciata relativamente libera di essere governata da un'amministrazione francese con sede a Vichy , che amministrava anche le zone occupate, sebbene con severe restrizioni. Für die Geburtstagskinder aus dem Jahrgang 1940 ist das Jahr 2020 ein rundes Jubiläumsjahr. 1935 anti-tank guns, Sub-sector A, from the sea to Bir Junes to block the road from Bardia, with four strong points, Sub-sector A, in the desert to the South of Tobruk with four strong points, This page was last edited on 20 October 2020, at 03:29. Sub-sectors A and B were defended by a battalion each from the 70th Infantry Regiment, while Blackshirt Battalion "Volontari della Libia" (Libyan Volunteers) manned sub-sector C. Behind the first line of defence were five strong points manned by the III Battalion, 70th Infantry Regiment which doubled as the reserve unit for the three battalions in the first line. [citation needed]. [citation needed] For instance, none of the French delegation objected to the stipulation that French soldiers would remain prisoners of war until the cessation of all hostilities. Poi, nella stessa carrozza ferroviaria in cui era stato firmato l'armistizio del 1918 (rimosso da un edificio del museo e collocato esattamente dov'era nel 1918), il 21 giugno 1940, Hitler si sedette sulla stessa sedia su cui si era seduto il maresciallo Ferdinand Foch quando ha affrontato i rappresentanti dell'Impero tedesco sconfitto . PREPORUKE . The Alsace-Lorraine Monument (depicting a German Eagle impaled by a sword) was also destroyed and all evidence of the site was obliterated, except notably the statue of Ferdinand Foch: Hitler ordered it to be left intact, so that it would be honoring only a wasteland. Yahoo fa parte del gruppo Verizon Media. Adolf Hitler aveva una serie di ragioni per accettare un armistizio. This was envisaged to last until a final peace treaty was negotiated. 19:10 RAI Storia nedjelja, 21. lipnja 2020. United States Department of State, Publication No. Non è entrato in vigore fino a dopo la mezzanotte del 25 giugno. Für die Geburtstagskinder aus dem Jahrgang 1940 ist das Jahr 2020 ein rundes Jubiläumsjahr. Ma oggi! Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1956. He wanted to ensure that France did not continue to fight from French North Africa, and he wanted to ensure that the French Navy was taken out of the war. Tag des Schaltjahres 1940 mit 366 Tagen. By 7 January the bulk of the British forces had arrived and cut off Tobruk. [4] Keitel gave verbal assurances that this would apply mainly to those refugees who had "fomented the war", a euphemism for Jews, and especially German Jews who until then had enjoyed asylum in France. Between May and June, French forces were in general retreat and Germany threatened to occupy Paris. The WDF continued its westwards advance towards Derna and Mechili. L' armistizio del 22 giugno 1940 fu firmato alle 18:36 vicino a Compiègne, in Francia, da funzionari della Germania nazista e della Terza Repubblica francese.Non è entrato in vigore fino a dopo la mezzanotte del 25 giugno. Keitel fece anche un'altra concessione, che gli aerei francesi non dovevano essere consegnati ai tedeschi. Coordinate : 49 ° 25'38 "N 2 ° 54'23" E  /  49,42,736111 millions ° N 2,90,641944 millions ° E / 49.42736111; 2.90641944. 09:30 RAI Storia petak, 19. lipnja 2020. After listening to the reading of the preamble, Hitler – in a calculated gesture of disdain for the French delegates – left the carriage, as Foch had done in 1918, leaving the negotiations to his Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (High Command of the Armed Forces) Chief, General Wilhelm Keitel. Ad esempio, nessuno della delegazione francese ha obiettato alla stipula che i soldati francesi sarebbero rimasti prigionieri di guerra fino alla cessazione di tutte le ostilità. The 4th Armoured Brigade moved to the west of the city, the 7th Support Group blocked the western exits and the 7th Armoured Brigade screened the force from interference from the west. A quel tempo, sia i francesi che i tedeschi pensavano che l'occupazione sarebbe stata una situazione provvisoria e sarebbe durata solo fino a quando la Gran Bretagna non fosse arrivata a patti, che si credeva fosse imminente. [17], By 11:50 a.m. Pitassi Mannella had informed Graziani that the Eastern Sector had been destroyed and only isolated positions held out. They provided for German occupation of three-fifths of France north and west of a line through Geneva and Tours and extending to the Spanish border, so as to give Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine access to all French Channel and Atlantic ports. By 22 June, the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) had losses of 27,000 dead, more than 111,000 wounded and 18,000 missing. The Tobruk garrison suffered 2,048 casualties and 20,000 men were taken prisoner for 400 Australian and British casualties. Pitassi Mannella and his staff retreated into the cellars but by 6:30 p.m. Pitassi Mannella ordered his staff to surrender. [6] The carriage itself was taken to Berlin as a trophy of war, along with pieces of a large stone tablet. On the morning of 5 January, while Australian forces were still mopping up the southern cauldron at Bardia, Wavell ordered the 7th Armoured Brigade of the 7th Armoured Division to advance west, pass Tobruk and cut it off. 1935 anti-tank guns, thirteen 65/17 mod. [...] Ho visto quella faccia molte volte nei grandi momenti della sua vita. Eine Widerspruchsmöglichkeit und weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. At the second line under command of the 4th Tank Infantry Regiment, every available tank was dug in as a strong point. Between this position and the sea the III Battalion, 69th Regiment dug in. [20], By the surrender O'Connor's divisions had already pressed on, the 7th Armoured Division reaching Mechili and fighting the Action at Mechili on 24 January, while the 6th Australian Division had reached the Italian forward positions at Derna on the same day. L'articolo 19 dell'armistizio franco-tedesco imponeva allo Stato francese di consegnare alle autorità tedesche qualsiasi cittadino tedesco in territorio francese, che avrebbe poi affrontato frequentemente la deportazione in un campo di concentramento (la clausola "Surrender on Demand"). Following the decisive German victory in the Battle of France (10 May – 21 June 1940) during World War II, this armistice established a German occupation zone in Northern and Western France that encompassed all English Channel and Atlantic Ocean ports and left the remainder "free" to be governed by the French. Dipartimento di Stato degli Stati Uniti, pubblicazione n. 6312, Documenti sulla politica estera tedesca, 1918-1945, serie D, IX, 671–676. Cattedrale di St Paul: Queen Victorias Diamond Jubilee, 22 giugno 1897, da Cassells History of the British People pubblicato dalla Waverley Book Company Limited, 1940 circa di Andrew Carrick Gow compra come stampa artistica. By 9:10 a.m. the Australian 2/2nd Battalion had reach Sidi Mahmud and the 2/1st Battalion was at Sidi Daud; the 17th Australian Brigade with the 2/6th Australian Battalion and 2/27th Australian Battalion had captured the Italian artillery positions between the two points. Im nächsten Jahr fällt das Datum auf einen Sonntag. 22 juin 1940: Service de l'aéronautique navale: Attaque aérienne [14] Général d'armée Gaston Billotte. As the 7th Armoured Division had suffered more losses than the 6th Australian Division, O'Connor decided that the Australians would lead the attack. Es war der 143. At first the British prepared to resist an Italian advance on Mersa Matruh but when this did not occur a raid by the Western Desert Force, with the possibility of exploiting success, was planned on the Italian positions around Sidi Barrani. Signatories for Germany included Wilhelm Keitel, a senior military officer, the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht, while those on the French side held lower ranks including General Charles Huntziger. Adolf Hitler had a number of reasons for agreeing to an armistice. As Compiègne was the site of the 1918 Armistice ending World War I with Germany's surrender, Hitler used this place as a supreme moment of revenge for Germany over France. Inoltre, lasciare un governo francese al suo posto solleverebbe la Germania dal considerevole fardello dell'amministrazione del territorio francese, in particolare perché rivolgeva le sue attenzioni alla Gran Bretagna. General Iven Mackay ordered a general advance for the morning of 22 January. Geburtstag – Prominente Fünfzigjährige. [9], After surrounding Tobruk, the WDF had exhausted the ample Italian supplies captured at Capuzzo and Sollum; O'Connor directed that the supplies flowing through the port of Sollum (350 long tons (356 t) per day in early January and 500 long tons (508 t) daily late in the month) to the 10th and 11th Field Depots he had set up about 43 mi (70 km) east of Tobruk. Notes et références. The British Expeditionary Force suffered 68,000 casualties, with around 10,000 killed. [16] At 8:30 a.m. the 19th Australian Brigade supported by A Squadron of the 6th Australian Division Cavalry Regiment had set off and towards the 4th Tank Infantry Regiment. Poi i negoziati durarono un giorno, fino alla sera del 22 giugno 1940: il generale Huntziger dovette discutere i termini per telefono con i rappresentanti del governo francese fuggiti a Bordeaux, principalmente con il neo nominato ministro della Difesa, il generale Maxime Weygand . Il cessate il fuoco entrò in vigore alle 00:35 del 25 giugno 1940, più di due giorni dopo, solo dopo la firma di un altro armistizio tra Francia e Italia , principale alleato tedesco in Europa. For long-range artillery-fire, Pitassi Mannella relied on the cruiser San Giorgio in Tobruk harbour which had two twin 254 mm (10.0 in)/45 guns and four twin 190 mm (7.5 in)/45 guns. Wer am 22.06.1940 geboren wurde, dessen Geburtstag jährte sich in diesem Jahr zum Personen, die am 22.01.1940 geboren wurden, feierten in … Concerned mostly about not having enough fuel and supplies for the offensive after the fall of Tobruk, O'Connor delayed the attack to accumulate more supplies. The two most depleted units, the 8th King's Royal Irish Hussars and the 6th Royal Tank Regiment, were withdrawn and their equipment distributed to the other four regiments of the armoured brigades. The armistice did have some relative advantages for the French, compared to worse possible outcomes, such as keeping the colonial empire and the fleet, and, by avoiding full occupation and disarmament, the remaining French rump state in the unoccupied zone could enforce a certain de facto independence and neutrality vis-à-vis the Axis. Général de brigade Maurice de Courson de La Villeneuve . Tag des Jahres (KW 4). The 7th Armoured Division would attack along the Western and perimeter to pin down the defenders. 11 field guns, ten 77/28 mod. The British capture of Tobruk was a battle fought between 21 and 22 January 1941, as part of Operation Compass, the first offensive of the Western Desert Force (WDF) in the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War. The British captured 208 guns and 87 tanks. Armistizio tra Francia e Germania nazista nella seconda guerra mondiale, 49,42,736111 millions ° N 2,90,641944 millions ° E, Distruzione del sito dell'armistizio a Compiègne, una zona di occupazione tedesca nella Francia settentrionale e occidentale, i soldati francesi sarebbero rimasti prigionieri di guerra, firma di un altro armistizio tra Francia e Italia, licenza Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. [10] Pitassi Mannella decided to employ every gun capable of direct fire as anti-tank artillery and managed to assemble 110 anti-tank guns; thirty-two 37 mm guns in the buried M11/39s, forty-three 47/32 mod. Una pagina di storia raccontata in modo inedito dal documentario "22 giugno 1940, la resa francese", in onda in prima visione venerd 19 giugno alle 21.10 Questa pagina è stata modificata l'ultima volta il 2 ottobre 2020 alle 17:10, This page is based on the copyrighted Wikipedia article. Wer am 22.08.1940 geboren wurde, wurde in diesem Jahr The best, most modernised French armies had been sent north and lost in the resulting encirclement; the French had lost their best heavy weaponry and their best armored formations. Two Australian anti-tank guns and two tanks destroyed five of the seven M11/39s and when Australian infantry pushed forward the mobile reserve surrendered. Die stärksten Niederschläge in Deutschland, Gewonnene Blitzkriege im Norden und Westen, Vom „Führer“ zum „Gröfaz“: Hitler kostet Sieg gegen Frankreich aus, Dreimächtepakt sucht Bündnispartner in Mittel- und Osteuropa und richtet sich gegen die UdSSR, Italien greift nach der Macht in Afrika – die USA rüsten sich für den Kriegseintritt, Ghettos in Lodz und Warschau, KZ in Auschwitz: Der Antisemitismus wird immer heftiger, Heile deutsche Filmwelt, Chaplins „Der große Diktator“ – und abgesagte Olympischen Spiele. Assuming (correctly) that the Commonwealth troops would attack from the south, Pitassi Mannella sent the II/43rd and III/55th groups with 75/27 mod. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1956. [18] At the same time the 6th Divisional Cavalry Regiment had reached the outskirts of Tobruk but then been stopped by fire from San Giorgio. At 7:00 a.m., 18 Matilda II tanks passed through the breach, three of which veered left with the 2/3rd Australian Battalion, while another three veered right with the 2/1st Australian Battalion to expand the breach. When Adolf Hitler received word from the French government that they wished to negotiate an armistice, Hitler selected Compiègne Forest as the site for the negotiations. After the war, the site and memorials were restored by German POW labour.
2020 22 giugno 1940