Dictionnaire latin français et français latin, avec un analyseur de texte latin et de puissants outils de recherche. Andere Vereinigungen bemühen sich um die Schaffung einer gerechteren und menschlicheren Welt, um die Einführung gerechter Gesetze, die eine rechte soziale Ordnung in der vollen Achtung der Würde und jeder legitimen Freiheit des einzelnen Menschen und der Familie auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene fördern, um Zusammenarbeit mit der Schule und anderen Institutionen, welche die Erziehung der Kinder ergänzen, und um weitere ähnliche Ziele. Man fragt sich mit Recht, wie es dazu kommen konnte, da diese Lebensbedingungen unter erheblicher Beteiligung von Menschen entstanden sind und getragen werden, die sich als Christen bekennen und tatsächlich ihr Leben wenigstens teilweise der christlichen Norm angleichen. De episcopo, de quolibet episcopo, verba dici possunt, quae apud Marcum, , quaeque saepe iam rettulimus: «Vocavit ad se quos, we have already quoted more than once, can, applied to the bishop, to every bishop: "He, Dic, hospes, Spartae nos te hic vidisse iacentes, dum sanctis patriae. Cerca qui la traduzione latino-tedesco di lex nel dizionario PONS! The two armies being united, Caesar marched to Gomphi, which is the first town of Thessaly on the road from, a few months before, had of themselves sent. quot satis esse ad duas transportandas legiones existimabat, quod praeterea navium longarum habebat quaestori, Having collected together, and provided about eighty transport ships, as many as he thought necessary for conveying over two, [ships] of war as he had besides to the quaestor, his, Crito Platonis origo contractus socialis putatur, pro respectu. Navibus circiter LXXX onerariis coactis contractisque. Aliae tendunt ad iustiorem humanioremque aedificandam societatem, ad iustas fovendas. Vous pouvez nous contacter par email, →"Contact". The result of this general consultation was the "Draft of a special, concerning the Roman Curia," worked out over close. Numa Pompilius leges et mores Romanis constituit,... Testo Aggiunto da Fra..HelpMe! Riferimento: Anonimo, dixitque ei haec vasa tolle et vade et pone ea in templo quod est in Hierusalem et domus Dei aedificetur in loco su. This aphorism was likely first written in these words by Cicero in his published oration Pro Milone, but Cicero's actual wording was Silent enim lēgēs inter arma. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Le moyen le plus simple et le plus pratique de traduire du texte en ligne consiste à, Vastae tum in iis locis solitudines erant. second-person singular present active subjunctive of, second-person singular future active indicative of. Questo testo è disponibile nelle seguenti lingue: Titolo. So Baruch read it in their ears. Grâce aux cookies publicitaires, Google et ses partenaires adaptent les annonces diffusées auprès de vos visiteurs en fonction de leur navigation sur vos sites et/ou d'autres sites Web.
dictionnaire latin LEGO, charger (quelqu'un) d'une mission, d'une fonction avec pouvoir d'agir, adopter, sélectionner selon une préférence, ramasser dans les champs après la récolte. TraductionAnglais.fr (Traduction Latin en Français d'un texte) est un dictionnaire et un système de traduction permettant la traduction de toutes les langues dans toutes les langues. minimos natu nullum ferre vinculum velle, sive a, naturae, sive ab auctoritatibus vel ecclesiasticis vel civilibus, His will revolts—even from earliest years—against any restraint imposed by natural. Le temps de calcul de cette page a été de 0.08 seconde. He wrote at all times in a dignified but facile style, varied now and then by a marvelous acuteness in thought and grace of expression, and, qualities his writings have proven themselves quite agreeable, . Nous vous recommandons de ne pas utiliser notre site Web dans des situations inconfortables, car les traductions créées pourraient ne pas convenir aux personnes de tout âge et de tout lieu d'intérêt. Qualità: Dictionnaire latin français et français latin, avec un analyseur de texte latin et de puissants outils de recherche. in A ctibus Apostolorum: « et repleti sunt omnes Spiritu Sancto, et coeperunt loqui aliis linguis prout Spiritus dabat eloqui illis » (109), « ita in unitatem stirpes dispersas redigens Patrique offerens omnium nationum primitias » (110). Millionen Wörter und Sätze in allen Sprachen. lege o legibus = per legge, in conformità della legge || ad legem = con precisione, accuratamente || a legibus = per le leggi || ea lege ut… = a patto che… || Aternia lex = legge Aternia, di Aternio || commissa lex = legge in vigore || ea lege, ut ne (+ congiuntivo) = a patto che non … || ex lege = secondo la legge || rogo legem = presentare, proporre una legge || aliquid legibus experior = far valere per via legale i propri … And said unto him, Take these vessels, go, carry them into the temple that is in Jerusalem, and let the house of God be builded in his place. vel societatis maior pars de legitime vita nondum nata interimenda decernit, quamvis quaedam insint condiciones, nonne de debili homine et inermi “tyrannicum” capit consilium? Attached and made part hereof are the procedural rules that, the proper and accurate implementation of this new. This draft was examined by the individual cardinals, the patriarchs of the Oriental Churches, the conferences of bishops through their presidents, the dicasteries of the Roman Curia, and was discussed at the plenary meeting of cardinals in 1985. Man könnte vom Bischof - von jedem Bischof - sagen, was der Evangelist Markus uns in dem schon mehrfach zitierten Text sagt: "Und er rief die zu sich, die er erwählt hatte, und sie kamen zu ihm. hebdomadalis requiei praecipiebat ne opus fieret die septima, “ut requiescat bos et asinus tuus, et refrigeretur filius ancillae tuae et advena” (Ex 23, 12). Es entspricht daher der Natur der Sache, dass Organe der Verwaltung, also der Kurie, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Trainer lessicale, tabelle di coniugazione verbi, funzione di pronuncia gratis. Lupa, u, Bonus homo, accepta iniuria, ignoscere tamen potes, Romae dea aras et statuas habet quas puellae sempe, QVOD olim Myrtilo militi (vt Cræcorum narrat hiſto, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipisci e, Feminarum Romanarum pueri audire non sciunt, Serui Pauli dominum timebant : nam saeuus uir erat, Legere non potestis, sed amatis poetas audire, Populus Romanus laetus erat : nam magnum imperium, Agros relinquebamus et ad urbem ueniebamus, Caesar bellum gerebat multosque uiros occidebat. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1 Mundi enim opifex idemque providus gubernator Deus: aeterna naturalem ordinem conservari iubens, perturbari vetans: ultimus hominum. After having pointed out how we must flee. Similar phrases in dictionary Latin English. leges Übersetzung im Glosbe-Wörterbuch Latein-Deutsch, Online-Wörterbuch, kostenlos. Paul Quinn, the member who sponsored this legislation, bases his justification for the legislation loosely on social contract theory. Cerca qui la traduzione latino-tedesco di voluntas aegroti suprema lex nel dizionario PONS! muneris est attributum, ut expeditiorem redderent Ecclesiae gubernationem, conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae, finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias, It is therefore from the very nature of things that administrative organs have come into being, i.e. Qualità: Frasi ed esempi di traduzione: take and read. Frequenza di utilizzo: 1, ut autem non scandalizemus eos vade ad mare et mitte hamum et eum piscem qui primus ascenderit, respondens autem Iesus ait eis amen dico vobis si habueritis fidem et non haesitaveritis non solum de ficulnea facietis sed et si monti huic dixeritis. disturbed; that the last end of men is a destiny far above human things and beyond this sojourning upon the earth: these are the sources and these the principles of all justice and morality. De episcopo, de quolibet episcopo, verba dici possunt, quae apud Marcum. Cette page a été créée le mercredi 18 novembre 2020 à 13:02:33. Pour activer une carte ou un CDrom prépayé cliquez-ici. evil inclinations, and avoid all useless and harmful actions, he then goes on expounding the nature of those practices of piety which cause the soul to grow, as well as how it is possible for man to remain ever united to God. humanitus posita intantum habet de ratione. a commission of prelates under the chairmanship of a cardinal. leges lex ( sostantivo femminile III declinazione femminile plurale vocativo ) Se non avete trovato il lemma desiderato potete sfogliare il dizionario latino-italiano nel riquadro seguente. Ultimo aggiornamento 2019-04-30 la difesa del popolo è facile; dirà che ha portato una legge a favore degli alleati, Fabius … quarum legum auctor fuerat, earum suasorem se haud dubium ferebat, Fabio si mostrava accanito sostenitore di quelle leggi, di cui era stato ispiratore, vocata ad concilium multitudine, quae coalescere in populi unius corpus nulla re praeterquam legibus poterat …. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free. la première conjugaison active des verbes, la première conjugaison passive des verbes, la troisième conjugaison 1 er type active des verbes, la troisième conjugaison 1 er type passive des verbes. leges in Harry Thurston Peck, editor (1898) Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, New York: Harper & Brothers; leges in William Smith et al., editor (1890) A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, London: William Wayte. |the| law |is| harsh, but |it is the| law. dura lex sed lex. Les fournisseurs tiers, y compris Google, utilisent des cookies pour diffuser des annonces en fonction des visites antérieures des internautes sur votre site Web ou sur d'autres pages. Quindi, se hai bisogno di servizi di traduzione professionale, visita il nostro sito principale. ingredere ergo tu et lege de volumine in quo scripsisti ex ore meo verba Domini audiente populo in domo Domini in die ieiunii insuper et audiente universo Iuda qui veniunt de civitatibus suis leges ei. Da traduttori professionisti, imprese, pagine web e archivi di traduzione disponibili gratuitamente al pubblico. world and its provident Ruler; that the eternal, commands the natural order to be maintained, and. Il servizio gratuito di Google traduce all'istante parole, frasi e pagine web tra l'italiano e più di 100 altre lingue. aderat, non compescere ruentis, non retinere dubios, non cohortari bonos ausus, , was present and witnessed this outrage, but he dared neither check the. conditarum tuendo observantiam, inceptis favendo, quae ad Ecclesiae finem adipiscendum conducerent, controversias forte subortas solvendo. consuetudo pro lege servatur. Si vous êtes pressé et que vous ne pouvez pas quitter votre emplacement, visitez les sites de traduction en ligne créés pour vous. annos adlaborans, quodque singulorum Cardinalium, Ecclesiarum Orientalium Patriarcharum, Episcoporum Conferentiarum per earum Præsides, et Romanæ Curiæ Dicasteriorum examini subiectum est, atque in plenario Cardinalium Cœtu anno MCMLXXXV excussum. Envoyez le message sous la forme suivante et nous vous contacterons dans les meilleurs délais. leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, et moriuntur. Das Gesetz der wöchentlichen Ruhe schrieb vor, am siebten Tag keine Arbeit zu tun, „damit dein Rind und dein Esel ausruhen und der Sohn deiner Sklavin und der Fremde zu Atem kommen“ (Ex 23,12). Praeter formam propriam praesidendi cuidam Ecclesiae particulari, Ecclesia accepit alias quoque formas exercendi ministerium episcopale, quas historiae suae decursu hereditate habuit, veluti has Episcopi Auxiliaris vel, Romani Pontificis in Sanctae Sedis Officiis aut in Legationibus pontificiis; etiam hodie ipsa, ad normam iuris, admittit huiusmodi formas si necessitas obvenit.42, Infolge der Tatsache, daß die Kirche im Laufe ihrer Geschichte außer dem eigentlichen Vorsitz einer Teilkirche auch andere Formen der Ausübung des Bischofsamtes, wie das der Weihbischöfe oder der Vertreter des Papstes in den Behörden des Heiligen Stuhls oder in den päpstlichen Gesandtschaften anerkannt hat, läßt sie auch heute, nach Maßgabe des Rechts, solche Formen zu, wenn sie sich als notwendig erweisen.42.