What to See in and Around Santa Maria del Popolo Basilica in Rome. A legend had it that the site where the church was eventually erected was haunted by the ghost of Nero, a Roman Emperor that reigned from 54 to 68 AD. By using Tripsavvy, you accept our. En 1587, Sixte V y établit le titre cardinalice de Santa Maria del Popolo. The Assumption fresco was painted by Giuseppe Chiari. It stands on the north side of Piazza del Popolo, one of the most famous squares in the city. Entre 1472 et 1477, l'église est reconstruite par Baccio Pontelli et Andrea Bregno. Santa Maria del Popolo. SERVIZIO MOMENTANEAMENTE CHIUSO. E’ una chiesa ricca di storia e di capolavori: la tradizione vuole che in questa zona periferica e quasi deserta sorgesse il sepolcro della famiglia dei Domizi dove fu sepolto l’imperatore Nerone. La Conversion de saint Paul sur le chemin de Damas, Un article consacré aux Planètes de Raphaël conservées dans cette église, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Église_Santa_Maria_del_Popolo&oldid=171239353, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Religions et croyances/Articles liés, Portail:Architecture chrétienne/Articles liés, Portail:Architecture et urbanisme/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. The works were interrupted on the dead of the Pontiff in 1667, then resumed in 1673 under the supervision of Gian Lorenzo Bernini and the cooperation of Carlo Fontana and finished in 1679, except for a belfry that was added in the 18th Century. To get the best view of the interiors and paintings, we recommend visiting right at the opening time or just before closing. Décoration de l'Église Santa Maria del Popolo . Localisation. The ceiling and the altarpiece of the Miracle of the Saint (ca. Église Santa Maria del Popolo. L’Eglise Santa Maria del Popolo possède une histoire peu commune. The basilica is located on the northern end of Piazza del Popolo, to the right of the Porta del Popolo, the ancient city gate. It's a good area for dining and shopping without breaking the bank, and also an excellent place to stay for those who want to avoid some of the noise and pedestrian traffic of central Rome. E’ una chiesa ricca di storia e di capolavori: la tradizione vuole che in questa zona periferica e quasi deserta sorgesse il sepolcro della famiglia dei Domizi dove fu sepolto l’imperatore Nerone. Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo. In questo video viene presentata l'opera "Conversione di San Paolo di Caravaggio". Villa Borghèse (683 m) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. Du lundi au vendredi : de 7h00 à 12h30 et de 16h00 à 19h00. - sábados 9:30 am. La basilique Santa Maria del Popolo (en français : Sainte-Marie-du-Peuple) est une église des Augustins située sur la piazza del Popolo à Rome. Santa Maria del Popolo is one of the most significant buildings of the Roman Renaissance, not only for its architectural features, but also for the paintings and sculptures it houses. In the early 11th century, Pope Paschal II conducted an exorcism of the tree, and the tree was removed. Upon the altar is a modern statue of the Angel for the artists by Guelfo (1937–1997). À Rome, il est possible de visiter une infinité d’églises, c’est pourquoi il est plus judicieux de sélectionner celles qui méritent que l’on y rentre. (+39)063610836 / Fax (+39)063203155. The Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo is one of these that are definitely worth visiting, not because of its structure or its façade, but because of its impressively decorated chapels. A tree grew from his bones and was supposedly possessed by demons or similarly evil creatures, who attacked pilgrims entering Rome from the nearby Porta Flaminia, which still stand next to the church. The sacristy has a frescoed vault with angels and the instruments of passion, the altarpiece of the Deposition (ca. Santa Maria del Popolo's decoration. La liturgia del giorno. Dimanche : 7h30 à 13h30 et de 16h30 à 19h00. The second chapel, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, was designed by Carlo Rainaldi to honor the Carmelite nun canonized by Pope Clement XI in 1669. Schedule. The interior has an elliptical plan, while its so-called "twin" Santa Maria dei Miracoli has a circular plan. Santa Maria in Montesanto is a church of Rome, in the Rione Campo Marzio, which stands in Piazza del Popolo, between Via del Corso and Via del Babuino.It is also known as the Church of the Artists.The church is popularly known as the twin church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, though it shows significant differences especially in the planimetry. 1687) was completed by Carlo Maratta. The presbytery is stuccoed with angels by Filippo Carcani and houses the miraculous 15th-century altarpiece of the Virgin of Montesanto, which, according to the tradition, was painted by an 11-year-old girl. Métro : Flaminio, ligne A. L'église paroissiale de Santa Maria del Popolo est située à Bomba, dans la province de Chieti. Piazza del Popolo. Già nel 1500 si ebbero i primi interventi e rifacimenti, Bramante realizzò il coro absidato a forma di conchiglia mentre Raffaello si dedicava al progetto della Cappella Chigi... CONTINUA A LEGGERE >, D'Uva ha realizzato per la Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo di Roma una videoguida che racconta tre straordinari capolavori, degli inizi del XVI secolo, di due grandi artisti: Annibale Carracci e Caravaggio. Visits are not allowed during mass. How to Visit Santa Maria del Popolo. The church is hemmed in between the Pincian Hill and Porta del Popolo, one of the gates in the Aurelian Wall as well as the starting point of Via Flaminia, the most important route from the north. In 1513, various of the m… 1600) is attributed to Biagio Puccini.[2]. The cupola is dodecagonal. It has six side chapels (in the "twin" church they are four). La nostra guida autorizzata ti illustrerà i molteplici i percorsi che si intrecciano in questa chiesa e i suoi mirabili capolavori: la Natività del Pinturicchio, le statue del Bernini, la famosa Cappella Chigi, disegnata da Raffaello e completata dal Bernini. Visita la Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, una delle chiese romane più antiche e ricche di opere d’arte. Funerals / Funerales: Monday & Friday, 10:00 a.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Lunes y viernes 10:00 am. Under the two twin churches are the remains of two pyramid-shaped funerary monuments, which, in shape and size, are very similar to the Pyramid of Cestius and to the demolished Pyramid of Romulus; like these ones, both the tombs probably date back to the Augustan age and served as a monumental entrance to the Campus Martius, precisely the same function that the two churches have today. Nel 1235 papa Gregorio IX vi trasferiva dal Laterano l’immagine della Vergine dipinta secondo la tradizione da S. Luca, tuttora sull’altar maggiore, mentre la cappellìna veniva trasformata in chiesa per il provvisorio insediamento dei Francescani. Pope Sixtus IV defined his 13-year-long papacy with a series of ambitious building projects that would mark the beginning of the Renaissance in Rome. Bien que Rome soit une ville avec suffisamment d’atout touristiques pour la visiter durant des mois, de nombreux visiteurs décident de connaître les alentours de la capitale. Santa Maria del Popolo est l’un de ces édifices religieux qui ne laissent pas indifférents, non pas pour ses dimensions ni pour l’architecture de l’édifice en lui-même, mais pour le décor somptueux qui orne les chapelles. La chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo si trova all’angolo nord della piazza omonima, adiacente all’antica Porta Flaminia. La chapelle est transformée en église par le pape Grégoire IX et donnée, pendant la première moitié du XIIIe siècle, aux Augustins. La basilique Santa Maria del Popolo (en français : Sainte-Marie-du-Peuple) est une église des Augustins située sur la piazza del Popolo à Rome. The choir was designed by Renaissance master architect Donato Bramante and once contained paintings by Raphael. Agostiniani – O.S.A. XXXIII Settimana del Tempo Ordinario - Anno II. The basilica is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. Crocefissione di San Pietro, Caravage (1600-1601). Véritable écrin, c’est l’une des premières et des plus riches églises Renaissance de Rome, dont certaines parties sont dues à Bramante et au Bernin. Admission is free. La chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo si trova all’angolo nord della piazza omonima, adiacente all’antica Porta Flaminia. Colore lit. The Spanish Steps, the Ara Pacis Museum, and the museums of the Villa Borghese are all close by, as are a range of budget to expensive dining options. Samedi : 7h30 à 21h00. Pour mettre un terme à cette légende, en l’an 1099, le Pape Pascal II a demandé à ce que l’on abatte l’arbre et que l’on y édifie à la place une chapelle romane. lun-ven dalle 10.30 alle 12; dalle 16:00 alle 17.30. sabato dalle 10.30 alle 13.30; dalle 14.30 alle 17.30. domenica: servizio chiuso. The area south of the piazza is known for its high-end designer shopping and luxury hotels. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 24 mai 2020 à 13:09. Funzionamento durante COVID-19. Située sur la Place del Popolo, à côté de la porte nord de la ville, l’Eglise Santa Maria del Popolo est un petit sanctuaire qui se distingue pour sa richesse artistique datant de la Renaissance. The chapels are kept dimly lit to protect the paintings—you need a euro coin to illuminate them for a few minutes. Opening times: Group guided VISITS are NOT allowed due to COVID. It is also in this church that the funeral of people linked to the world of culture and television is often celebrated. The statues of saints on the exterior have been attributed to Bernini's design. La chapelle a été agrandie en 1227, puis réformée entre 1472 et 1477. Pincio Hill and the Villa Borghese gardens sit above the basilica. E’ vietata la visita ai gruppi. Its location made the basilica the first church for the majority of tr… Piazza del Popolo 12 – 00187 Roma. Villa Giulia - Musée Etrusque (777 m) En 1099, une chapelle est construite par le pape Pascal II, par-dessus l'emplacement supposé du tombeau des Domitii Ahenobarbi, dans lequel les cendres de Néron auraient été déposées. 2 See photo gallery. Avviso Sono vietate le visite turistiche in Basilica. The dome of the chapel is the only surviving example of Raphael's work in mosaic. Fast forward several centuries to the late 1400s, when Rome was ripe for rebuilding following the so-called "dark ages" of the Medieval era. Martedì 17 novembre 2020. On y trouve d'importantes œuvres d'art, notamment du Caravage avec La Conversion de saint Paul sur le chemin de Damas et Le Crucifiement de saint Pierre dans la chapelle Cerasi. Il complesso religioso nel 1250 passò all'Ordine degli Agostiniani della Tuscia e nel 1472 a quello della Congregazione Lombarda, che farà rielaborare la chiesa in stile lombardo. De grandes familles romaines confièrent au Caravage, au Bernin et à Raphaël, pour ne citer qu’eux, la décoration des chapelles. Ara Pacis (590 m) A Baroque-era renovation was executed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who added white stucco embellishments. Elizabeth Heath has lived in the Umbria region of Italy since 2009 and has been writing for TripSavvy since 2017. Place del Popolo (91 m) Consultez la liste des tâches à accomplir en page de discussion. Tour della Basilica e dei suoi tesori - h.10.30. In July 1825 Pope Leo XII elevated the church to the dignity of Minor basilica.[1]. She has also written for Frommer's, Huffington Post, USA Today, and more. The church was built on a small chapel built by the will of Pope Paschal II at the expense of the Roman people (hence the name) on the tombs of the Domizii, Emperor Nero's family. Parmi les trésors artistiques que renferme l’église, on retiendra particulièrement la Chapelle Cerasi, dans laquelle on peut contempler deux toiles réalisées par le Caravage en 1600, ainsi que la surprenante Chapellle Chigi, construite et décorée par Raphaël. To put an end to this myth, Pope Paschal II in 1099 ordered the tree to be cut down and commissioned a Romanesque chapel to be built instead. . S. Messa Festiva ore 11:30 - posti contingentati. Clicca qui per diretta della Santa Messa. Nota bene: si specifica che la chiesa non è visitabile durante le funzioni; è solo possibile assistere alla Messa. The Parish Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo (Italian: Basilica Parrocchiale Santa Maria del Popolo) is a titular church and a minor basilica in Rome run by the Augustinian order. The third chapel is the Cappella Montioni. : bianco. Scopri la Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo con un tour audioguidato che ti racconterà i capolavori racchiusi al suo interno, tra cui le famose tele del Caravaggio: la Crocifissione di San Pietro e la Conversione di San Paolo. The first chapel on the left is the Cappella di Santa Lucia ("Saint Lucy"). Décoration de l'Église Santa Maria del Popolo. Just across the river from the piazza is the Prati neighborhood, a white-collar area near Vatican City. The origins of the basilica are very unusual. The octagonal dome is one of the most architecturally sophisticated features constructed during the Renaissance. 1685) was painted by Ludovico Gimignani. On his burial ground had grown a bewitched walnut treefull of crows. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. The church is popularly known as the twin church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, though it shows significant differences especially in the planimetry. It is also known as the Church of the Artists. E’ vietata la visita ai gruppi. Since 1953 the church has become the seat of the "Mass of the artists", a singular initiative conceived in 1941 by presbyter and art historian Ennio Francia; after changing several places for worship, the liturgical event took place in the church in Piazza del Popolo, where every Sunday, for over sixty years, this Eucharistic celebration has been celebrated with representatives of the world of culture and art. Resterei incantato di fronte al ciclo della Cappela Cerasi, con la Crocifissione di Pietro e la Conversione di Paolo di Caravaggio. Histoire. For these reasons, it is also known as "Church of the artists". Nella seconda metà del XV° secolo la chiesa fu completamente ricostruita per ordine di Papa Sisto IV Della Rovere, divenendo una delle prime chiese rinascimentali. Via del Popolo 12 - Vigevano. Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo. It was built in 1662, on the initiative of Pope Alexander VII, by Cardinal Girolamo Gastaldi, who was later buried there. Pope Gregory IX had the church enlarged to thank our Blessed Bus : lignes 95, 117, 119, 490, 495 et 926. The basilica is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sundays. En l’an 1513, quelques-uns des artistes de renom de l’époque tels que Pinturicchio, Raphaël, le Caravage et le Bernin, ont été chargés de décorer les murs et les plafonds du sanctuaire. Location . Horaires. The name of the church derives from the fact that it replaced a smaller one, that belonged to the Carmelites of the Province of Monte Santo in Sicily. In this church, on 10 August 1904, Angelo Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII, was ordained a priest; the event is remembered by a plaque affixed during his pontificate. The altarpiece of the Madonna with Child and Saints Francis and Jacob (ca. Saturday: 7,30-12,30 /16,00-19,00. Piazza del Popolo. The Flaminio Metro stop is a one-minute walk, and the Spagna stop at Piazza di Spagna (Spanish Steps) is about a 10-minute walk. While many churches in Rome were built on the remains of earlier pagan temples, the location of Santa Maria del Popolo was chosen for its proximity to a tree. Galerie Nationale d'Art Moderne de Rome (792 m). Nota bene: si specifica che la chiesa non è visitabile durante le funzioni; è solo possibile assistere alla Messa. Ammira i capolavori del Caravaggio e lasciati stupire dalla Cappella Chigi progettata da Raffaello. Fu papa Pasquale II nel 1099 ad iniziare la costruzione di una cappella là dove ora sorge Santa Maria del Popolo per celebrare la liberazione del Santo Sepolcro a opera dei crociati, anche se la leggenda vuole (riportata nell'arcone che sormonta l'altare), che la Vergine apparve in sogno al papa per dirgli di costruire una cappella proprio là dove era sepolto il nefasto imperatore il cui fantasma infestava la zona. La chapelle Chigi fut dessinée par Raphaël et sa coupole est décorée d'une mosaïque monumentale La Création du monde représentant les planètes, exécutée en 1516 sur les cartons du maître. Basilica Parrocchiale S. Maria del Popolo. The medieval church was completely demolished, and the church that replaced it, with its restrained, geometric facade, is still seen as a prototype for early Renaissance architecture. Les plafonds, d’une hauteur plus basse que d’ordinaire, sont pratiquement nus, alors que le décor de chaque petite chapelle revêt une importance particulière. Among the many elaborate side chapels of Santa Maria del Popolo, most of which served as resting places for Papal families, the best known is the Chigi Chapel, designed by Raphael. In questo video viene presentata l'opera "Crocifissione di San Pietro", D'Uva Workshop ha realizzato per la Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo di Roma una videoguida che racconta tre straordinari capolavori, degli inizi del XVI secolo, di due grandi artisti: Annibale Carracci e Caravaggio. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Santa_Maria_in_Montesanto_(Rome)&oldid=971589241, Articles needing additional references from March 2020, All articles needing additional references, Infobox religious building with unknown affiliation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 August 2020, at 02:08. L’intérieur de Santa Maria del Popolo est différent de la plupart des églises de Rome. Le premier bâtiment, érigé sur une falaise en position dominante dans la vallée de Sangro, remonte à environ 1100. 1. Visits are not allowed during mass. The original icon of Santa Maria del Popolo (St. Mary of the People) is displayed in the "Piazza del Popolo" in Rome. AVVISO COVID-19: Sono vietate le visite turistiche in Basilica. Le seguenti aperture sono momentaneamente sospese per rispetto delle normative anti COVID-19. The Montioni family commissioned the design to Tommaso Mattei, a pupil of Carlo Fontana.