We looking forward to welcoming you back in the near future Warmest regards Mariella Avino Managing Director, イタリアのホテルの中でも特に印象の良い、素晴らしいホテルでしたが、アメリカの人気ドラマ「ホワイトカラー」の中にもその名が登場しています。主人公のニール・キャフリーが至上の楽園と紹介している(ガールフレンドを誘う)ホテルで、本当に納得です。お部屋からの、特にベッドからの景色が絶景です。夜、暗くなってから到着して、朝目が覚めたときにベッドからその景色を眺めるのを、強くオススメします!(笑)言葉にできない、一生忘れることのない素晴らしい景色です。, アマルフィは下町、ポジターノはリゾート、ラヴェッロは懐かしさを覚えるような暖かい雰囲気の街です。映画『アマルフィ』のシーンにも登場し、ご存知の方も多いと思います。 雑誌にたびたび登場する「ホテルカルーソ」への宿泊を希望していましたが満室のため、隣のこちらに宿泊しましたが結果大満足でした。 アマルフィ海岸を一望する景色はとてもすばらしく、スタッフのホスピタリティも素晴らしかったです。 またメインレストランはミシュランで☆☆を獲得していたはず。あえて街にでて夕食をとりましたが、こちらで頂いておけばとちょっと後悔しています。 時期もありプールには入りませんでしたが、プール脇のスパと屋上のジャグジーは温水で楽しめました。, Dear Guest, Thank for taking the time to write such a romantic feedback of your stay at Palazzo Avino! We are delighted to hear your comment for the hotel, the staff and Rossellinis restaurant, awarded with one-star Michelin. Tastefully refurbished to deluxe standards with preservation always being of paramount concern, this authentic masterpiece offers luxurious bedrooms and suites decorated with handmade Vietri tiles, Hermes textiles, eighteenth-century Italian antiques, beautiful carpets and Frette and Bulgari appointments emphasising the luxury you sign up for. And boy did they deliver! What are some of the property amenities at Palazzo Avino? We are looking forward to have you with us next summer. Great service from the best concierge I have had - Antonio. Private, independent tourism initiative, not related to any civic institution. It’s an hour from Naples airport. Best concierge ever. ラヴェッロでベストのデザイナーズホテルをお探しですか?Palazzo Sasso Hotelがご期待にお応えします。, ラヴェッロで人気の観光スポット、Chiesa di Santa Maria a Gradillo (0.2 km)、およびCappella Sant'Angelo all'Ospedale (0.2 km)などにも近いパラッツォ サッソは旅行者におすすめです。, 客室には薄型テレビ、冷暖房完備、およびミニバーをご用意。無料wi-fiとあわせて、ごゆっくりお過ごしになれます。, パラッツォ サッソではコンシェルジュ、屋上のテラス、およびルームサービスをご用意しております。さらに、パラッツォ サッソではプール、および朝食込みもご利用になれます。お車でお越しの場合は、駐車場をご利用になれます。, ラヴェッロ滞在中にロブスターはいかがでしょう?近くにあるレストラン、Rossellinis Restaurant、Belvedere Restaurant、またはIl Flauto di Panがおすすめです。, 現地で人気の古代遺跡、Monastero Santissima Trinitaなどもお忘れなく。, この施設を所有または管理していますか?オーナーとして登録されると、口コミへの返信や貴施設のプロフィールの更新など、活用の幅がぐんと広がります。登録は無料です。, 弊社サイトの現バージョンは、日本の日本語の利用者を対象としています。 別の国や地域にお住まいの場合は、ドロップダウンメニューから、国または地域別のサイトを選択してください。 詳細, 料金は提携サイトから提示されたもので、1泊あたりの宿泊料金を反映しています。また、提携サイトが了承している税金やサービス料を含みます。 詳細については、提携サイトを参照してください。, Ceramiche Cosmolena di Margherita di Palma, palazzo sasso hotel ravello, palazzo sasso ravello, 周辺の観光スポットには、Ceramiche Cosmolena di Margherita di Palma(0.2km)、Ceramiche D'Arte Pascal(0.2km)、Ravello-Minori Walk(0.2km)があります。, アクセスが便利なレストランには、Baffone Gelateria Artigianale、Nino's Pizza、Mimì Ristorante Pizzeriaがあります。, はい、パラッツォ サッソは宿泊客に空港シャトルバスサービスを提供しています。 詳しくは、事前にお電話で確認することをおすすめします。, ここに決めたわけ: イタリア好きでもあまり日本ではあまり知られていないラベッロ音楽祭に1年前ぐらいからチケットをHPから購入し、滞在するのを楽しみにしていた。 パラッツォ・サッソとして有名だったが、最近?カルーソとともにオーナーがここを購入しアビノに改名したそうだ。隣りのカルーソのインフィニティプールが憧れだったが、値段ほどでないとか評判がこちらの方が良かったのでアビノに決めた。 予約: 予約はここのHPから、眺めがある安い価格帯で選んだ。それでも500€越え。24㎡あるかどうかだが、十分楽しめた。ビラ・ルーフォロからと同じ眺めになる。 その荘厳なムードは独特で神秘的である。 神々しく感じた。 インテリアと部屋: インテリアはモダンで椅子や机や全て自宅に購入したいくらいオシャレでかわいく大好きだ。重厚なクラシックではない。 スタッフ: スタッフも素晴らしい。アンケートを気にしておりフレンドリーだ。 バーにひとりだけ日本人が苦手なような愛想の悪い男性スタッフがいたけれど、他のスタッフはとてもよかった。予定のやり取りでレセプションとメールのやり取りをしたが、まったく間違いだらけの英語を使う人がいたり応答が遅いのであまり期待していなかったが、実際のレセプションスタッフは感じも良く対応も良かった。 プライベートビーチ: ラベッロは山の上の町だが、プライベートビーチまで送迎してくれる。ここのスタッフも素晴らしかった。しかし、ビーチまで、ものすごい階段を降りなければならず、帰りの登りは死にそうになった。・・・・もちろんスタッフが荷物を持ってくれたが、それでも次回は遠慮する。ビーチのレストランは塩辛い味付けなので、気を付けてメニューを選んだ方がよい。からすみのパスタが食べたかったので、メニューになかったがシェフが作ってくれた。さすが5つ星だ。, バーとレストラン: ロビーがリビングのようなバー&レストランになっており、とてもくつろぐ。10月で寒かったのでロブスターバーは屋外は閉めており、ここのリビングのような場所で夕食を取った。 朝食: ミシュラン星つきのロッセリーニでとる。素晴らしい景色で神々に近い、荘厳な気分になる。マネージャー(?)が気がきいており、「お飲み物は何にしますか?」の問いに「カプチーノで。」と答えると、「○○(名前が入る。忘れてしまった。)に特別に素晴らしいカプチーノを入れるように!」と配下のスタッフに申し付けた。 横で私はイタリア語が少しわかるぞと「グラッツェ」といって微笑み返した。イタリアはこんなサービススタッフとのやり取りが楽しい。 送迎: カプリからアマルフィまで船に乗り、迎えを頼んだ。宿泊後はポジターノまで同じく送迎を頼んだ。ベンツでお出迎え。 結論: ラベッロは落ち着いた上品な街で音楽祭にぴったりなムードだ。ローマやフィレンツェに比べるとあまり日本人に慣れていないようで、街中の店やカフェでは英語やイタリア語を話さないと「やれやれ」扱いされる。 このホテルは上品でこじゃれた感じ。中規模なのでサービスが行き届いてよい。 音楽祭も素晴らしく、今一つ感じの悪い1名のスタッフのお愛想が良かったら満点だった。他が全て良かったので、彼の暗い感じだけが印象に残った。若いスタッフは総じて感じが良かった。, 隣のカルーソとここに宿泊。 もともとはお城でカルーソと繋がっていた。というのは戻ってきてから知りました。 海沿いの部屋はもちろん美しいですがかなり狭い部屋もあります。もう少し広めの部屋にも泊まりましたが多分海沿いの部屋はスイートではない限りあまり広くはないと思う。, すこし奮発してオリゾンテ・スイートに滞在しました。クラッシックな内装がGood!!プールエリアも居心地よく、ホテルスタッフが飲み物の注文をすぐ取りに来てくれて良かったです。スタッフのホスピタリティに大満足です。また、ラベッロの街はとても美しい街で、宮崎駿の「ルパン3世カリオストロの城」にでも出てきそうな街でした。きっと彼らもイタリアの田舎町に滞在し、構想を練ったのでしょう。, Dear Guest, Thank you for taking the time to write such a nice feedback of your stay! What a journey to go from top of the mountain down to the seaside along the cliff. Would love to return :-), It was not all smooth from beginning but all ended up well. just jump into the sea. Dear Guest, We are very sorry for the inconvenient that happened at check in time, but we are glad that we cleared everything right away. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Eccellenza del lusso riconosciuta a livello mondiale, Palazzo Avino offre numerosi servizi che consentono agli ospiti di unire charme e relax al fascino senza tempo dell’Italia. Views are out of this world, the swimming pools are lovely and the jacuzzi fantastic. My friend made the booking for me. The ones at Harry's are still the best, although these are very close! Mariella, the manager of the hotel, is also a true professional. Then things got cleared up and started to improve. There was some confusing issue about booking. I loved the jacuzzi on the roof top. Palazzo Avino, Ravello Via San Giovanni del Toro 28, 84010 Ravello Il Palazzo Avino è proprio accanto al Belmond, simile per posizione ma più intimo in quanto ad atmosfera. The whole surroundings were so beautiful and elegant. It was a pity that I did not have proper dinner at the hotel but just a quick snack. Our room was perhaps a little small given the cost but it was perfect for our needs. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. There were two young staff making sure to set up beach chair, umbrella, and serving drinks in a prompt manner. Palazzo Avino (formerly Palazzo Sasso) is a five-star deluxe hotel set within a twelfth-century medieval and baroque palace in Ravello’s former aristocratic quarter … Palazzo Avino also features tranquil spa facilities, a Clubhouse by the Sea with beach platforms, a small swimming pool and a complimentary shuttle service. Does Palazzo Avino have an airport shuttle? We hope to welcome you again soon. Top room amenities include a minibar, air conditioning, and a flat screen TV. What food & drink options are available at Palazzo Avino? Wedding at the Hotel Palumbo Lovely staff. Crazy drive. Prenota Palazzo Avino, Ravello su Tripadvisor: consulta le recensioni di 848 viaggiatori che sono stati al Palazzo Avino (n.4 su 22 hotel a Ravello) e guarda 1.120 foto delle stanze! It is traditional style Italian, with next level service. Laundry service is excellent. more. Dear Woods, Thank you for taking the time to write such a special review. Claim your listing for free to respond to reviews, update your profile and much more. This property is a 10 minute walk to the main town, but that provides a level of quiet and intimacy (definitely not a negative). Built in what was once a 12th century private villa for an Italian noble family, it has been rated as one of the world's finest hotels and boasts one-star Michelin dining. L’edera lussureggiante, i prati e la natura tutt’intorno Yes, Palazzo Avino offers an airport shuttle for guests. They have a rooftop jacuzzi that is absolutely breathtaking. Yes, it is 0.05 miles away from the center of Ravello. Two great restaurants. thank you for such an amazing review, you really understood the spirit of our Pink Palace. I wish you a lovely day, Hotels near Belvedere Principessa di Piemonte, Hotels near Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo di Ravello, Hotels near Autoservizi Imperato Lorenzo - Limousine Service, Hotels near Chiesa di Santa Maria a Gradillo, Hotels near Cappella Sant'Angelo all'Ospedale, Hotels near Ceramiche Cosmolena di Margherita di Palma, Hotels near Vietri sul Mare - Amalfi Station, Hotels near Salerno Duomo - Via Vernieri Station. Via San Giovanni del Toro 28, 84010, Ravello Italy, This was the first stop on our honeymoon in September. Every aspect of this visit for 5 nights was fabulous. Book now, pay later • Low rates • No booking fees • Price match. You can enjoy a candle light dinner served in our awarded Rossellinis restaurant or a delicious casual meal at Caffe dell'Arte or Terrazza Belvedere that during the evening becames Lobster & Martini Bar with more of 80 cocktails Martini. The room was not big but very comfortable. Situato sulla Costiera Amalfitana, Palazzo Avino di Ravello è uno degli hotel più esclusivi e in una location da sogno. I am returning to the coast next summer for a wedding, and already dreaming about staying here again! Own or manage this property? I am a travel agent, and was fortunate to be able to stay at this beautiful property on my own honeymoon. Palazzo Avino is a stunning five-star deluxe hotel on Italy's famed Amalfi coast. Savor the experience. Ravello is great for walking around. Palazzo Avino is a stunning five-star deluxe hotel on Italy\'s famed Amalfi coast. Palazzo Avino di Ravello Risalente al XII secolo, l’immobile storico di Palazzo Sasso, si affaccia su Via San Giovanni del Toro, quartiere dove in epoca medievale e rinascimentale risiedeva l’aristocrazia locale. Are there opportunities to exercise at Palazzo Avino? Which room amenities are available at Palazzo Avino? Indulge yourself at the Michelin-star Rossellinis Restaurant and discover the Italian cuisine. I could. The front desk helped me to contact my next hotel stay at San Pietro Positano as the road between Ravello and Positano was closed due to fire. They instructed me how to take ferry and arranged water taxi to pick me up at Positano ferry directly to San Pietro. Visit Ravello. Yes, dry cleaning and laundry service are offered to guests. There are more places to choose from in the Ravello area. The hotel staff were all quite nice and helpful. Ceramiche Cosmolena di Margherita di Palma, Response from Mariella Avino, Proprietario at Palazzo Avino. Nearby attractions include Ceramiche Cosmolena di Margherita di Palma (0.1 miles), Ceramiche D'Arte Pascal (0.1 miles), and Ravello-Minori Walk (0.1 miles). The front desk was not all that friendly at beginning. Palazzo Avino (formerly Palazzo Sasso) is a five-star deluxe hotel set within a twelfth-century medieval and baroque palace in Ravello’s former aristocratic quarter during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Book Palazzo Avino, Ravello on Tripadvisor: See 848 traveler reviews, 1,120 candid photos, and great deals for Palazzo Avino, ranked #4 of 22 hotels in Ravello and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Dear Jennifer, Grazie! What are some restaurants close to Palazzo Avino? palazzo sasso hotel ravello, palazzo sasso ravello. パラッツォ サッソに関する旅行者からの口コミ、写真、地図をトリップアドバイザーでチェック!旅行会社の価格を一括比較してお得に予約をすることができます。パラッツォ サッソは、ラヴェッロで4番目に人気の宿泊施設です。 2. Delicious daily breakfast with bellinis was incredible, and our meal at their Michelin starred restaurant was delicious. We hope to welcome you back soon. Guests can enjoy free breakfast, an on-site restaurant, and a lounge during their stay. The beds are so comfortable and bedding felt like silk! We hope to welcome you back soon. Restaurant and bar staff as well are superb and the Bellinis are the best I have had south of Venice! I went to Ravello Music Festival program at night. Are any cleaning services offered at Palazzo Avino? We recommend calling ahead to confirm details. Please see our partners for more details. I truly appreciate hotel's arrangement. Yes, pets are typically allowed, but it's always best to call ahead to confirm. When would you like to stay at Palazzo Avino? My room had a great balcony with fascinating view. I love the club house!!!!! we will pass your compliment to our staff. Dear Guest Thank you for such an enthusiastic review. We looking forward to welcoming you back in the near future Warmest regards Mariella Avino Managing Director, Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo di Ravello周辺ホテル, Autoservizi Imperato Lorenzo - Limousine Service周辺ホテル, Salerno Duomo - Via Vernieri Station周辺ホテル. Some of the more popular amenities offered include free wifi, free breakfast, and a pool. Our stay at the hotel was one of the best we have had in a long long time! Palazzo Avino, un incredibile hotel 5 stelle deluxe, ha coccolato Britt e Brian durante il loro matrimonio. See more questions & answers about this hotel from the Tripadvisor community. Prices are the average nightly price provided by our partners and may not include all taxes and fees. Brilliant masseuse. Conveniently located restaurants include Baffone Gelateria Artigianale, Nino's Pizza, and Mimì Ristorante Pizzeria. Importantly, it was clear that the hotel took covid-19 safety precautions very seriously and we felt safe but not restricted - a, difficult balance to strike. The whole process was rather smooth. We will pass your compliment to our staff. Perched high on the cliffs above the Mediterranean, the hotel commands stunning views of the Amalfi Coast down below. Is Palazzo Avino located near the city center? Yes, guests have access to a pool and a fitness center during their stay. The staff were all wonderful and very friendly and helpful. Palazzo Avino (precedentemente Palazzo Sasso) è un hotel a cinque stelle deluxe situato all'interno di un palazzo medievale e barocco del XII secolo nell'antico quartiere aristocratico di Ravello durante il … If you want to escape the madness for a few days, this is the place. Then it would be time to take shuttle to the club house. What I couldn't get over, were the views from the room, pool, restaurants, and outdoor gym. Tucked away in the medieval hilltop village of Ravello and perched high on the cliffs, 350 m (1,000 ft) above the sparkling Mediterranean. Se state pensando ad un matrimonio intimo, palazzo Avino è l’ideale per accogliere ricevimenti fino a 70 ospiti che sicuramente godranno della cucina stellata e di uno del panorama suggestivo. Via San Giovanni Del Toro 28, 84010 Ravello, Italy. Which popular attractions are close to Palazzo Avino? Beach club was super fun, lovely food in the restaurant and the shuffle was fantastic. Our stay was wonderful from start to finish and was evidence that you do sometimes get what you pay for! Get a room with a view of the Mediterranean. As others were concentrating on the pool, I had a great time enjoy the jacuzzi all by myself. Probably more fun than using car service. Taxes and fees that are shown are estimates only.